The African Reproductive Justice Litigation Fund

Afya na Haki Institute
Afya na Haki Institute (Ahaki). | +256-414-660733 | +256-772-657974

Ahaki is launching the 2024-2025 call for proposals under the African Reproductive Justice Litigation Fund to contribute towards addressing the limited access to reproductive justice litigation resources experienced by numerous African organisations. This Fund acknowledges the challenges these organisations face due to the intricate grant systems in today’s philanthropic environment. 

The Fund aims to overcome some of the contextual barriers that hinder public interest-focused litigants in the field of reproductive justice.

This Fund is an integral component of Ahaki’s LIRA Programme which is dedicated to cultivating a nurturing environment for Reproductive Justice through groundbreaking, evidence-based, and collaborative litigation initiatives. The program strives to improve access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) throughout Africa by tackling legal and socio-economic elements that impact reproductive justice. 

Ahaki emphasises the significance of a nuanced, context-specific approach to reproductive justice litigation, recognising its multifaceted, intersecting nature and the impact of factors like socio-economic status, gender, and race on reproductive healthcare experiences and policies.

Through this Fund, Ahaki will offer catalytic and adaptable sub-grants to bolster bold, inventive, and varied reproductive justice litigation projects at grassroots, national, and regional tiers. These grants will concentrate on strategic and public interest litigations, legal assistance, as well as research and documentation. Emphasis will be placed on indigenous African organizations in formulating and executing context-tailored litigation tactics. 

By backing these endeavors, Ahaki strives to cultivate a more unified and impactful movement for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and reproductive justice throughout Africa, addressing both legal transformation and broader societal influences on reproductive justice and health outcomes.


 Strategic and Public Interest Litigation and legal support initiatives aimed at achieving the following:

  1. Reduction of SRHR related prosecutions.
  2. Expansion of legal grounds to access SRHR.
  3. Domestication of regional SRHR legal and policy frameworks at national level.
  4. Challenge adverse practices and norms that deter access to SRHR.

The call is open to indigenous African organizations based in Benin, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda and Zimbabwe

The selection of successful proposals will be guided by the following.

1. Impact: 

Proposals should demonstrate the potential to create progressive reproductive justice jurisprudence.

2. Innovation

Novel ideas and approaches to litigating reproductive justice in Africa at the domestic, sub-regional and or regional levels.

3. Implementation capacity: 

Proposals should demonstrate the capacity of the institution to manage and implement the project.


La fourchette du montant accordé sera comprise entre 1 000,00 et 50 000,00

par projet et le projet doit être achevé dans les 545 jours

Date limite de candidature: 11/10/2024

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