Afya na Haki Institute
Afya na Haki Institute (Ahaki). | +256-414-660733 | -

For several years, Africa has witnessed a disparate but steady stream of jurisprudence that is pushing the boundaries when it comes to the realisation of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and reproductive justice. Courts in Malawi, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Uganda and elsewhere, all operating in different normative and socio-cultural contexts have delivered landmark rulings in the quest to ease the continent’s SRHR burden. Practitioners, activists, and advocates have demonstrated a willingness to move beyond current narrow interpretations of SRHR that are only limited to legal reform.

 However, they continue to work in silos and in isolation. Therefore, it is critical to support litigation efforts that seek to change not just the law but to also influence the socio-economic and cultural factors that influence the realisation of SRHR and reproductive justice in Africa. It is also vital to support African institutions and civil society that are navigating these issues using a decolonial, Africentric framework.

At Ahaki we recognize the importance of framing reproductive justice litigation in a nuanced, and contextual manner. Reproductive justice is an expansive, intersectional, and holistic framework which acknowledges the ways that socioeconomic status, gender, and race shape reproductive healthcare experiences and health policy.

 We are also cognizant of the importance of technical and financial resources to these efforts towards an organized strategic litigation agenda. Therefore, in its second year, Ahaki’s African Reproductive Justice Litigation Fund will support work geared towards the reduction of maternal mortality due to unsafe abortions particularly through filing of strategic and public interest litigation cases at the domestic, sub-regional and regional levels using a reproductive justice lens. Secondly, the Fund will provide resources for the defence of persons accused of breaking the law by accessing or providing much needed sexual and reproductive health services including post-abortion care. The Fund also presents catalytic opportunities for ongoing reproductive justice litigations in the region.





The call is open to indigenous African organizations based in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.


 The selection of successful proposals will be guided by the following.

·  Impact: Proposals should demonstrate the potential to create progressive reproductive justice jurisprudence.

·  Innovation: Novel ideas and approaches to litigating reproductive justice in Africa at the domestic, sub-regional, and or regional levels.

·  Implementation capacity: Proposals should demonstrate the capacity of the institution to manage and implement the project.


The range of amount awarded will be between 5,000.00 and 30,000.00

per project and the project must be completed within 365 days

Application Deadline : 01/02/2024

Apply Now!